Floral Name Frames

On this page we show a selection of  some of the different names available for funeral delivery in Birmingham or alternatively if you would like  a more personal name frame, select the tribute letter from the range shown, choose the amount of letters you require and we will make the design for you.Each letter is a standard height of 28cm and is displayed on a stand. If you need any further assistance , or for prices to deliver nationally through the Interflora network call us on 0121 783 3103

Tribute Letters -  loose style Vibrant- Beaufort local only
Tribute Letters - loose style Vibrant- Beaufort local only
from £50
Tribute Letters - based- Beaufort local only
Tribute Letters - based- Beaufort local only
from £50
Tribute Letters - based foliage edge Beaufort local only
Tribute Letters - based foliage edge Beaufort local only
from £50
Tribute Letters - loose style  Red- Beaufort local only
Tribute Letters - loose style Red- Beaufort local only
from £50
Tribute Letters - loose style Purple and White-Beaufort local only
Tribute Letters - loose style Purple and White-Beaufort local only
from £50
Aunt name frame
Aunt name frame
DAD Tribute
DAD Tribute
DEN 3 letter frame
DEN 3 letter frame
Grandad frame
Grandad frame
Husband Frame-  all Roses- Beaufort local only
Husband Frame- all Roses- Beaufort local only
Jamaican Dad frame- Beaufort local delivery only
Jamaican Dad frame- Beaufort local delivery only
Loose style letter- pastel mix -Beaufort local only
Loose style letter- pastel mix -Beaufort local only
from £50
Loose style NAN frame
Loose style NAN frame
Mom Frame With Carnations
Mom Frame With Carnations
Moss Dad Frame
Moss Dad Frame
Multi coloured name frame- 7 letters- Beaufort local only
Multi coloured name frame- 7 letters- Beaufort local only
MUM based frame
MUM based frame
MUM Tribute- loose style
MUM Tribute- loose style
Nan Frame- based
Nan Frame- based
Nan in Irish colours
Nan in Irish colours
Nanny tribute
Nanny tribute
Niece tribute
Niece tribute
Pops tribute frame
Pops tribute frame
Tribute letter llose style- Neutral- Beaufort local only
Tribute letter llose style- Neutral- Beaufort local only
from £50
Uncle frame
Uncle frame
Villa colours name tribute 4 letters  - Beaufort local only
Villa colours name tribute 4 letters - Beaufort local only
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Beaufort Florists Birmingham Ltd - Registered Company Number 08655510
240 Cranes Park Road, Sheldon, Birmingham, B26 3SU - Tel: 0121 783 3103
© All product images contained within this site are copyright to Interflora British Unit.

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We are open Mon - Thurs 8.30am - 17.00pm Friday 8.30am - 16.00pm Saturday - closed Sunday closed

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Beaufort Florists - 240 Cranes Park Road, Sheldon, Birmingham, B26 3SU

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